Davison United Methodist Church



Patty Cousins | Administrative Assistant

 Patty has lived in the Davison community for 23 years and loves the area.  Patty is married to husband Rob and has 3 children and 2 grandchildren.  The oldest is Brendon, his wife Angela and 2 little ones, Emmalyn and Easton.   They live and work in the Waterford area.  Her son Lucas has finished his Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts.  Lucas will be moving to Alpena, MI to work as a choreographer, theatre performer/dancer and set carpenter for Thunder Bay Theatre.  Her daughter Olivia is currently living in Dearborn, MI where she attends U of M and is working on her Masters in Clinical Psychology.  Patty loves animals and spends her spare time rescuing abandoned and stray animals. 

Gary Kramer | Audio/Video Tech

Gary began serving Davison United Methodist Church as Audio Video Director in 2005 after serving for over 20 years in a similar position at Flint Wesleyan Church.

After graduating from Wayne State University in 1979 with degrees in broadcasting and journalism, Gary helped co-found M & K Recordings Inc., distributing supplies and providing production assistance to churches, schools, radio stations, advertising agencies and other organizations. Later, Great American Radio was formed, suppling recordings of radio broadcasts from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s from his extensive library.

Gary continues doing audio recording today for groups such as the New Century Chorale, Livingston County Chorale, and others as well as for churches, and school choral and band organizations throughout the state, and provided audio assistance to the Rock of Ages Big Band. Gary and LaDonna were married in 1986 and today enjoy a large, ever growing family.


Jocelyn Urmanic l Streaming/Video Tech

Joz grew up in the Davison United Methodist Church.  She’s been involved in many areas over the years including:  Praise team, choir, solos & groups, serving as liturgist, various committees, and most recently, co-teaching Sunday School with Vern Leach.   She is also a certified United Methodist Lay Servant.  One of her favorite services she's led is the Graduation Sunday Service the Youth helped create to celebrate DUMC's awesome grads!  

In her spare time, Joz enjoys music, reading, strength training, and cooking.   Joz is very excited to be working with the Youth and Vern, helping them grow their faith while building a new and exciting Youth Group!  

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Alexander Gardner
Alex is a recent graduate of Grand Valley State University, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education. Alex is very excited to have joined the staff at Davison United Methodist Church and is looking forward to getting to know everyone in the congregation, as well as the choirs. He is honored to have the opportunity to use his talents in the role of Music Director to better serve God. Alex plans to continue to build on the excellent tradition of incorporating music into the worship services at DUMC


Duane Combs | Custodian

Duane Combs
He retired from the telephone company after 45 years: 30 years with GTE and 15 years with MBT. He was a System Tech installing central office equipment and large PBX equipment. He is married with four children: One boy and three girls. He has 9 grand children and 15 great grand children. He enjoys golf, pool shuffleboard, and darts which he plays at the senior winter games.